Ningbo Cheeven New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Cheeven New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Panel Heater VS Convection Heater


Heating systems are an essential component of modern living. With the advent of technology, several types of heaters are available in the market. Panel heaters and convection heaters are two of the most popular types of heaters used in homes and offices. Although both these heaters serve the same purpose, they have several differences. In this article, we will explore the differences between panel heaters and convection heaters. 

As one of the leading electric radiator manufacturers, we will also explain the difference between radiant and convection heaters, and convection heaters versus radiant heaters.

Difference Between Panel Heater And Convection Heater

Panel heaters and convection heaters are both used for heating homes and offices. However, they work in different ways. 

A eco convection panel heater is a type of heater that uses radiant heat to warm up a room. This type of heater is usually mounted on a wall and emits heat in a particular direction. The heat produced by a panel heater is not distributed evenly throughout the room. Instead, it warms up the objects that are in front of it.

On the other hand, convection heaters for sale is a type of heater that works by warming up the air in a room. It does not emit heat in a particular direction but instead distributes heat evenly throughout the room. Convection heaters work by drawing in cool air from the room and heating it up using an internal heating element. The warm air is then circulated back into the room, creating a cycle of warm air.

Panel heaters are ideal for heating up small spaces, such as a bathroom or a small bedroom. They are also suitable for rooms with low ceilings. Panel heaters are energy-efficient as they only heat up the objects in front of them, rather than the entire room. They are also very quiet, making them ideal for use in bedrooms.

Convection heaters are suitable for larger rooms and spaces. Convection heaters for large rooms are more energy-efficient than panel heaters as they distribute heat evenly throughout the room. Convection heaters are also safer to use as they do not produce any fumes or gases. However, they can be noisy, which can be a problem in bedrooms or quiet spaces.

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Difference Between Radiant And Convection Heaters

Radiant heaters and convection heaters are two different types of heaters. Radiant heaters work by emitting infrared radiation, which is absorbed by the objects in the room, including people. This type of heating is similar to the heat produced by the sun. Radiant heaters do not heat up the air in the room but instead heat up the objects in their path.

Convection heaters work by warming up the air in a room. They do not emit any radiation but instead circulate warm air throughout the room. Convection heaters work by drawing in cool air from the room, heating it up using an internal heating element, and then circulating warm air back into the room.

Radiant heaters are ideal for small spaces and for heating up individual objects, such as a person sitting in a chair. They are also energy-efficient as they only heat up the objects in their path. Radiant heaters are also quiet and safe to use.

Convection heaters are suitable for larger rooms and spaces. They are more energy-efficient than radiant heaters as they distribute heat evenly throughout the room. Convection heaters are also safer to use as they do not produce any fumes or gases. However, they can be noisy, which can be a problem in bedrooms or quiet spaces.

Convection Heater VS Radiant Heater

Convection heaters and radiant heaters are both popular types of heaters. However, they have several differences. A convection heater works by warming up the air in a room and distributing it evenly. It does not emit any radiation and is safe to use. Convection heaters are suitable for larger rooms and spaces.

A radiant heater, on the other hand, works by emitting infrared radiation, which is absorbed by the objects in the room, including people.

This type of heating is ideal for heating up individual objects, such as a person sitting in a chair or a small room. Radiant heaters are also energy-efficient as they only heat up the objects in their path. However, they are not suitable for larger rooms as they do not distribute heat evenly.

When it comes to choosing between a convection heater and a radiant heater, it ultimately depends on the size of the room and the heating needs of the user. If you have a small room or need to heat up individual objects, a radiant heater would be ideal. However, if you have a larger room or want to heat up the entire room evenly, a convection heater would be a better choice.


In conclusion, panel heaters and convection heaters are two popular types of heaters used in homes and offices. Panel heaters emit radiant heat and are suitable for small spaces, while convection heaters distribute heat evenly and are suitable for larger rooms. Radiant heaters emit infrared radiation and are ideal for heating up individual objects, while convection heaters work by circulating warm air throughout the room. When it comes to choosing between a convection heater and a radiant heater, it ultimately depends on the size of the room and the heating needs of the user.